The Virtual Leap Ahead Medical Spa & Spa Business Seminar
Dori Soukup, founder of InSPAration Management, answers another ...
Dori Soukup, founder of InSPAration Management, answers another Question of the Week.
Amanda, from North Carolina, says, "I heard you are doing the Leap Ahead seminar virtually. I am a ...Leap Ahead graduate. I would like to attend again. Is there a special price for us because we attended before?''
Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention, Amanda. I think we should do something special for the alumni as people who graduated already and like to come back.
We have a lot of people who do that. We've had people attend three and four times. Every time they attend, they learn something new from it. I understand what you're saying, Amanda.
We’re Going Virtual
If you go to the Leap Ahead page, because we're taking it virtual right now, we're doing some special pricing for it. The regular in-person price for the Leap Ahead is no longer available now because we're taking it virtually and we’ve reduced the price.
If you go to the InSPAration Management page on the website and go to the seminar, we have a VIP price. It will include three coaching sessions. Or we have the regular admission.
Now what we've done for the virtual Leap Ahead is we've taken the three-day seminar and we’ve broken it up into 12 different modules where we're going to be meeting twice a week starting in July.
You're going to be able to gain all the information that you would have gotten if you were in the three-day seminar for the Leap Ahead.
VIP For General Admission Price
Here's what I'll do for you, though. Now I have to do it for everybody. We might as well send out an email about it now. They all have to thank you, Amanda, for doing this.
I'll give you the VIP ticket for the general admission price. Instead of paying $1,895 for the VIP ticket, you will only be paying $1,495 for the VIP ticket. That's not bad right off the top of my head to help you out.
Five Implementation Tools
With the Leap Ahead seminar, even the virtual one, here’s what you’re going to get:
• Entire binder that has in it all the information that we're going to go through, and it has a marketing plan which you can customize.
• Five different implementation tools that come with the Leap Ahead seminar that you can download. Those tools are the budget, the compensation model, the Don't Sell, "Recommend," the guest relations and the C.L.A.R.I.T.Y. hiring system.
I encourage you to go to the Leap Ahead page, see all the bonuses that you'll get and take advantage of this price. Go to the shopping cart and insert the word "Alumni." That way I can inform my team and be able to give you the price difference. You can get the VIP ticket for the price of the general admission.
Contact Us For More Info
I hope this helps you out, Amanda. I look forward to seeing you again, being part of the virtual Leap Ahead, and start applying more and more of it.
If you have any more questions, please call us at 386-226-2550, let us know and we will take good care of you. I look forward to seeing you at the next Leap Ahead.
If you have a question, email it to
Until next time, stay inspired and stay healthy. Bye now.[+] Show More